InterNetX GmbH
Johanna-Dachs-Str. 55
93055 Regensburg
Commercial Register
HRB 7142
Registration court
Amtsgericht Regensburg
Represented by the Managing Directors
All content on this website including texts, images, graphics (such as trademarks and logos) and videos are subject to the protection of copyright laws. Any reproduction, distribution or other use of the content requires the prior written consent of InterNetX or the respective author.
Despite careful control of the content, InterNetX does not guarantee the completeness, accuracy and up to dateness of the legally non-binding information displayed on this website. This especially applies to the content of external links of third party websites which InterNetX makes references to directly or indirectly links, as InterNetX does not control the content of such external information and does not regularly check it for accuracy (§ 7 Par. 2 TMG). InterNetX can not be made liable for third-party information to which InterNetX merely provides access (§ 8 Par. 1 TMG).
Birgit Berger
InterNetX GmbH
Johanna-Dachs-Str. 55
93055 Regensburg
We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings in front of a consumer arbitration board.
You can reach our central contact points as follows:
1. contact point for authorities pursuant to Art 11 Par. 1 DSA
Our central contact point for the authorities of the Member States, the Commission and the body referred to in Art. 61 DSA is as follows:
In urgent cases, you can also contact us by telephone on +49-941 595590.
You can communicate with us in German as well as in English.
2. contact point for users of our services pursuant to Art 12 Par. 1 DSA
Our central contact point for users of our services is as follows
You can communicate with us in German as well as in English.
3. reporting and redress procedures pursuant to Art 16 DSA
In accordance with Art 16 DSA, persons and organizations have the opportunity to report the existence of individual information in our hosting services to us at the following e-mail address, which the person or organization concerned considers to be illegal content:
If you would like to submit such a report, please include the following information:
You will receive a confirmation of receipt immediately after your notification. In addition, we will process all reports promptly, carefully, objectively and free from arbitrariness, and will promptly notify the reporting person or entity of our decision and advise them of any possible legal remedies.